Monday 25 May 2015

Capaldi coat - FINISHED!

With work on my tv commission occupying a lot of my time lately, I just haven’t had a chance to get any pictures posted of my finished crombie coat.

So for those who have been patiently waiting, here it is!

It’s a deceptively simple coat, with a few clever tricks up its sleeves (forgive the pun).

The notch on the lapels is surprisingly high, making for a very short collar.

Most of the outer seams are flat felted, which is easy to do though a little time consuming to execute.

I’m pretty please how the lining has come out. It’s been worth the effort in getting it woven.

I found the perfect genuine horn buttons to finish the coat off.

Let me know what you think.


  1. excellent Steve! I find the most striking thing about Capaldi's coat are the cut of the lapels and they look spot on!

  2. You know way more than I do about all of the costumes, but it looks like the buttons start 7cm too low. Otherwise, it looks fantastic.

  3. I can't say I'm a huge fan of Capaldi's outfit (I find it rather bland and normal looking), but regardless you've captured it perfectly here Steve! Nice job!

  4. I don't know about everyone else but I absolutely love this coat. I hope you make it available to the public. If you did I'll start saving up right now! :)

  5. how much would this be if i were to buy one

  6. What is the difference between this and the S9 navy coat?

    1. Diffrence is that the series 9 is the Camel hair jacket, diffrent material plus the lining was a red lining to it. the camel hair is softer to the touch i think to the series 8 material. hope this helps :)


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