Friday 31 January 2014

The Capaldi look -
definitive ID on the boots

Since the initial BBC press release there has been some speculation on the correct ID for the boots Peter Capaldi is wearing as the Twelfth Doctor.

According to the statement they were Doc Marten’s, but this was quickly question by keen-eyed fans who were more taken with the Loakes Black Smooth Leather Brogue Boot.

This has been debated on the forums for the past couple of days, but now an article has appeared on The Drum website which seems to conclusive prove them to be the Loakes.

Peter Capaldi’s Dr Who boots identified as £215 Loake loafers not Dr. Martens

That will be that then!

Doc Marten boots - BBC correction

In an amazing turn of events, the BBC has issued a statement via their official Twitter feed confirming the boots Peter Capaldi wears are not Doc Martens as their original press release stated.

Twitter / Doctor Who Official
But in a curious Blue Peter-esque way (we were never allowed to see brand names when presenters made fun things out of Corn Flakes packets, or ball point pens) they avoided naming the brand as Loakes, despite the fans having already positively identified them!

It’s not common for the BBC to get involved in such matters, and it never brought itself to correct the mis-information that was issued regarding Matt’s costume when he started.
I guess this is the power of the Twitter generation.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Capaldi look - Pertwee love?

Earlier this month the first official picture was released to mark the start of filming on series 8.

I noted at the time how I thought the posing of the shot reminded me a great deal of a still of Jon Pertwee and Katy Manning.

Well, other people have picked up on this - especially since the costume portrait image has been released, and you can see why.

Is this a conscious effort?
I’d love to find out.

Monday 27 January 2014

The Capaldi look -
these boots are made for walking

I remember way back in July 2009 when Matt Smith’s costume was first revealed, there was a certain amount of misinformation and assumptions made at the early stages.

In a BBC news article called The fashion police on Doctor Who's new outfit it was said categorically that the boots were from Prada.
This was quickly proved wrong when they were found to be from All Saint (abet copies based on them).

Well, the same seems to already have happened with the new Capaldi look, with the boots being stated as Dr Marten’s, which you’d be forgiven for thinking they were.

But closer inspection has found that they are actually by Loake.
Loake - Black Smooth Leather Brogue Boot

These are certainly a much better match than anything the iconic Dr Marten’s make themselves.

The Capaldi look - a nice warm cardy

As well as wearing a customised Crombie coat, it appears the new Doctor is also sporting a nice warm cardigan - also from Crombie.

It has the same navy colour; the right number of buttons; the same wide waistband at the bottom, with two buttons spaced close together through it.

I’d be surprised if it isn’t the right one!

Well, I m surprised. From new information that’s been posted on the net, it appears the cardigan is by John Smedley. So this Crombie version now merely becomes a good alternative.
Navy Merino Wool Cardigan

The Capaldi look - a custom Crombie

It has already been revealed that The Doctor’s new coat is a Cromie.

One of my enterprising readers has already been onto Crombie and has got a very prompt reply!

They said:
The Doctor Who coat is a Made To Measure Coat created by our Made To Measure service team in exclusive for the tv series.

The coat is based in our iconic and classic Crombie Coat.

Feel free to have a look and hopefully you would like this exclusive coat.

Best Regards

Crombie Team
It would appear the coat that was used as the basis for it was from their classic range
Crombie Navy Retro Coat - Slim Fit

I notice there is an option to ADD TO WISHLIST. I think at £795 for the standard version - adding to a wish list will be all I’ll be doing on this one!

Suited and booted - the big reveal

So the day has finality arrived - the day we get to see what the new Doctor will be wearing.

And I have to say I’m somewhat underwealmed by what they’ve putt together.

It doesn’t inspire me a great deal and it doesn’t have that bespoke, custom feel of the outgoing Doctor’s cashmere Frock Coat.

The image has been released through the official BBC Twitter feed and is already doing the rounds of sic-fi news sites and forums.

But one article did catch my eye.
Digital Spy - Capaldi Doctor Who outfit: 100% Rebel Time Lord
In the article it states:
The next incarnation of the Doctor sports a dark blue Crombie coat with red lining, dark blue trousers, a white shirt and black Dr Martens boots in his first official picture.

Doctor Who costume designer Howard Burden created the new look.

"He's woven the future from the cloth of the past. Simple, stark, and back to basics. No frills, no scarf, no messing, just 100 per cent Rebel Time Lord," said Capaldi.

Showrunner Steven Moffat added: "New Doctor, new era, and of course new clothes. Monsters of the universe, the vacation is over - Capaldi is suited and booted and coming to get you!"

So there are already some hints and clues as to where the costume has been sourced. I would still have preferred something a little more custom made to be honest.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Are bow ties no longer cool?

This week sees the 2014 Toy Fair trade show at Kennsington Olympia.

It’s the chance for manufacturers to show off their new products and ideas, drumming up trade and interest for the year and ultimately the lucrative Christmas market. (Yes - I know we’ve only just HAD Christmas!!!)

The show is always keenly watched by Doctor Who fans as some sellers previews include sneaky looks at what might be coming in as yet unbroadcast episodes.

This year Character Options have displayed their first Peter Capaldi action figure - disappointingly wearing only his regeneration outfit, left over from Matt Smith.
Aside from the cheesy raised eyebrow, one thing really stuck me - the lack of bow tie.

If you remember, just before regenerating he took off his bow tie and dropped it to the floor.

I wonder if there will be a replacement for the bow tie in the Twelfth Doctor’s costume? Time will tell I suppose.

Are bow ties no longer cool?

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Peter Capaldi - in costume?

This week see the start of filming on the new series of Doctor Who, with Peter Capaldi finally taking the reins.

The BBC have issued two photos of Peter in costume - but sadly not his OWN costume!

We’ll have to wait a little longer for the chance to see that.

Their pose reminds me of a classic picture of Jon Pertwee and Katy Manning.